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New Super Mario Bros. 2 premieres its first DLC in October
Nintendo has been slow to join the bandwagon of the DLC but finally seems determined to implement in their games, regardless of who is against this content. The next game in the company will adapt these downloadable extras New Super Mario Bros. 2, one of this summer's big bets for Nintendo 3DS.
Specifically it will be three DLC hit the game of the laptop. On one hand we have Gold Mario Go! Go! Pack, which will put at our disposal a total of 30,000 gold coins to get. We also find the The Record A Pack Challenge, with a new time trial mode. Finally the Panic Survival Map Pack will add three new stages.

Packets arrive at the Japanese market on October 2 for a price of 200 yen, which is about 2 €. Have not yet been given release dates or prices for Europe and America as the setting for the announcement was a new Nintendo Direct Japanese. We are awaiting further confirmation by the company.
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World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria - First Impressions
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria - First Impressions
The day came, Mists of Pandaria was released and after staying for a while stuck in the brand new screen and log in, I experienced some of what Blizzard has to offer us in this new expansion.
I'll start by saying this: World of Warcraft has changed, World of Warcraft is still the same.
What I mean is that there are fundamental changes in things like talent and new things like pet battles, farms for players and of course, a new race and class. The truth is that WoW is definitely not the same game that came out eight years ago it has undergone a constant evolution that keeps millions of active users (and some who leave and return) and we can always count on new content and activities to keep us occupied.
However, in the end, still has the same mechanics, the same visual style and retains its gameplay feature so if someone ventures to re hoping for a change of 360 degrees, will be disappointed, yes, still have to collect 10 shoots June grass or monkey livers.
But this is not necessarily bad, I've seen plenty of reviews comparing this game to newer ones like Skyrim or Guild Wars 2 and WoW complaining that you can not do this, and in WoW you can not do that, but it is by why WoW is WoW and Guild Wars 2 Guild Wars 2 is. Why would I want that all games have the same mechanics? Everyone enjoys something different and that is great for those who like to try more than one style of gameplay .
Male pandas are in my opinion, and unlike other races, humorous, without big muscles and a beer belly bouncing with each step. Females are quite nice. Accompanied with their emotes and jokes, between which lies the Konami code. What I notice is a more fluid animation on characters and detailed features in their appearance.
The new class
The monk is a hybrid class (tank: brewmaster, healer: Mistweaver or DPS: Windwalker) but no illusions with DPS, everyone asked tanking or healing in groups.
They can use only cloth and leather and come obviously movements of Kung-Fu. Energy use and can spend points Chi form in which death knights and warlocks use runes and soul stones.
His attacks are melee. Personally I've always preferred ranged attacks so it does not attract me much class, but has interesting skills as the "death knell" that instantly kills any enemy with less health than the player.
Shen-zin His
The starting zone for pandaren is a giant turtle named Shen-zin Su and Chinese aesthetics is all we could hope for, with chord music and truly beautiful scenarios, although according to the graphics engine that can provide that is eight years old .
The missions still feel grindy, but there are some interesting developments as they interact with NPCs a more active player after completing certain quests or mobs that are uploaded to the back (I do not remember much except that happen in any dungeon).
Something that gave me quite laugh was a particular mission over an area called the nasal singsong, where they must defeat other apprentices while fighting on logs buried in a lake. If you should fall into the water, the player will become an animal-referencing Ranma 1 1/2. You know that Blizzard has a habit of integrating so many pop culture jokes as possible.
Shen-zin His apparently is dying and we must find out why talking to the turtle, which will take the player to meet with members of the Alliance and the Horde and thus choose a faction.
Higher levels
The change for higher level characters is remarkable when taking the mission sent by Garrosh / Varian war as it breathes in the game, the hostilities between the Alliance and the Horde have exploited and this gives a different meaning to the missions, which actively encourage the player to attack the other side.
There are now more dialogue between players and NPC giving more understanding of why these attacks definitely a good thing if at that time we do not feel like reading.
There are also more frequent cut-scenes to help understand the history and varied mission objectives that give the impression of doing something really different, but as I said, with the same mechanics. By the way, continue to see our world change after performing certain actions through the use of phasing.
Other changes
The character creation screen has been streamlined to make the process less tedious. The missions are faster respawn time for items and mobs has been shortened and not need to go with a trainer for new talent, they are automatically acquired as you level up and now professional instructors are universal. All this decreases enough playtime for those who are bored to grind and farm the game.
Content for all
WoW has many detractors who wonder how a game "old" and in addition to pay can have 10 million subscribers. The answer is that there is no one way to play, the truth is that in this expansion, more than any other, seems to have content for everyone, not only for the hardcore who enjoy raids and heroic and crawl through Stormwind and Orgrimmar with his armor epic dragon mount that was a rare chocolate-drop after completing this dungeon three thousand times in less than 10 minutes.
Players can enjoy the game in many ways, through missions, scenarios, professions, achievements, PvP, PvP pet, exploration, reputations, collecting mounts, the auction house and the rich social environment that has always enjoyed WoW ( do not waste time, to block the jerks).
And I repeat, basic mechanics remain the same and those who have never enjoyed, may not do so now, but for those who enjoy this style of game, Mists of Pandaria brings new content to ensure enough hours added to his / played.
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Xbox 720 to become the walls of our house in part of the game
Can you imagine for a moment that the next generation Xbox will allow part of the game beyond what today makes Kinect? More interesting is the new Microsoft patent which we have heard in today. And is that Xbox 720 could use a technology capable of recreating 3D environments across from our room, using the walls of the house.
Thus, as shown by the images of the patent, the new device recreate the game scenario 360 degrees beyond the television screen. Additionally, this technology would be accompanied as it could be otherwise Kinect, the 3D sensor would be able to detect the exact position of the player on the pitch, it would fit perfectly with military titles, as shown in the drawings.

However, we must realize that this is just a starting point. The registration of a patent does not mean much unless the technology is ready for use. We are facing a complicated innovation as each player makes use of the console in a room and under certain conditions, which would make it very difficult to use the walls of our houses for the game.

Even so, it waits to meet in the coming months which is able to offer Xbox 720, this patent breaks new ground in the world of video games. Besides the fight in terms of graphics power and technical specifications, it is encouraging that companies are still making efforts to innovate and try to launch new game types, and broaden the experience and options market for video games.
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"Get ready for an experience you will find as nostalgic, exciting and fresh. Black Mesa is a recreation of Valve's seminal game Half-Life. Opening will revisit the role of Gordon Freeman and his memorable journey through the Black Mesa Research Facility.
Expect to find tremendously detailed environments to explore, a great cast of characters and experimental weapons. New music, voice acting, choreography and added dialogue gives way to a more expansive and immersive than ever. In short, play Half Life of the way in which we think should be played. "

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Halo 4: The Return of Master Chief in new images
Halo 4: The Return of Master Chief in new images
One of the most powerful of the catalog titles this year for Xbox 360 is Halo 4. First announced at E3 2011, has been over a year know little by little new details of the Master Chief's return to the Microsoft console. Fall is almost here, and with it come Halo 4, specifically the next 6 November.
To continue creating buzz, 343 Industries has released a handful of new images. In these screenshots we can see more about the game's main campaign mode, through which we will discover the story of Master Chief.
The release of Halo 4 will come along with a great support from the company. For one Collector Editions will have both in America and in Europe. Moreover, it has also confirmed a pack with an Xbox 360 Halo Edition 4, in addition to custom accessories with motifs of the franchise.
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Wii U reveals its final launch catalog for North America

Call of Duty: Black Ops II
Skylanders Giants
Transformers Prime
Wipeout 3
Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
Electronic Arts
FIFA Soccer 2013
Namco Bandai
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Wii U Edition
New Super Mario Bros. U
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
Nintendo Land
Sing Party
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Tecmo Koei
Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper
Darksiders II
Assassin's Creed III
ESPN Sports Connection
Rabbids Land
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013
Zombie U
Warner Bros.
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Party Game Champions
Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition
Games that come before the end of 2012
Broken Rules
Chasing Aurora
Pwnee Studios
Cloudberry Kingdom
Electronic Arts
Madden NFL 13
Mighty Switch Force HD
Trine 2: Director's Cut
Namco Bandai
Tank! Tank! Tank!
Neo Nano Asssault
Tomorrow Corporation
Little Inferno
Two Tribes
Toki Tori 2
Games that come between 2012 and early 2013
505 Games
Funky Barn
2K Sports
NBA 2k13
Legends 007
Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013
Rapala Pro Bass Fishing
D3 Publisher
Rise of the Guardians: The Video Game
Ben 10 Omniverse
Part Family: 30 Great Games: Arcade Obstacle
Electronic Arts
Mass Effect 3
Game & Wario
LEGO City: Undercover
Pikmin 3
Wii Fit U
The Wonderful 101
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Wheel of Fortune
Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth
Rayman Legends
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Wii U: Everything you need to know
- The size has been a matter of dispute in the think tank called Nintendo during development, but eventually agreed to leave it on 4.57 high, 26.9 wide and 17cm long. Simple, portable and fully incorporated into the fashion of small things with great power. Weight is not a concern, since we assume that your little arms can hold 1.6 kg while playing.
- As for the CPU power, we will act to IBM multi-core processor with a GPU based on AMD Radeon HD. Being very sued for manufacturing those games, high processing amount becomes a good motivator to see a little more sophisticated games and more demanding, both CPU and GPU.
- In storage, the Wii U uses SDD 8GB or 32 GB depending on the model Basic or Deluxe. Additionally, the new console has support for SDHC and the obvious and always recommended external storage via USB.

- The video output will be so inclusive that will support 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p and 480i. So if you want picture quality, this will be resolved. Moreover, compatible cables have a list where HDMI lead, Wii D-Terminal, Wii Component Video, RGB Wii, Wii S-Video, AV Stereo AV and Wii. The audio system will consist of a six-channel Linear PCM output via HDMI or analog via legendary AV Multi Out connector. Completing the multimedia section, we see that the Wii U will use optical discs up to 26 GB capacity. It is still unknown how this will affect on piracy, but we do know that the discs will be unique.
- As in any current generation console, the Wii U can connect to internet and play there with friends via a wireless connection (IEEE 802.11b/g/n). But what I really liked is that it supports a LAN mode where up to four players can connect through the 4 USB ports that have the console (two on rear, two on the front).
- On Battery and efficiency, Nintendo has dwelt on how well Wii U uses the energy with low power mode. Autonomy has not yet commented, but when we have the information we update the article. What is known is that the battery is a rechargeable lithium ion battery and weighs about 500 grams.

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