World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria - First Impressions
The day came, Mists of Pandaria was released and after staying for a while stuck in the brand new screen and log in, I experienced some of what Blizzard has to offer us in this new expansion.
I'll start by saying this: World of Warcraft has changed, World of Warcraft is still the same.
What I mean is that there are fundamental changes in things like talent and new things like pet battles, farms for players and of course, a new race and class. The truth is that WoW is definitely not the same game that came out eight years ago it has undergone a constant evolution that keeps millions of active users (and some who leave and return) and we can always count on new content and activities to keep us occupied.
However, in the end, still has the same mechanics, the same visual style and retains its gameplay feature so if someone ventures to re hoping for a change of 360 degrees, will be disappointed, yes, still have to collect 10 shoots June grass or monkey livers.
But this is not necessarily bad, I've seen plenty of reviews comparing this game to newer ones like Skyrim or Guild Wars 2 and WoW complaining that you can not do this, and in WoW you can not do that, but it is by why WoW is WoW and Guild Wars 2 Guild Wars 2 is. Why would I want that all games have the same mechanics? Everyone enjoys something different and that is great for those who like to try more than one style of gameplay .
Male pandas are in my opinion, and unlike other races, humorous, without big muscles and a beer belly bouncing with each step. Females are quite nice. Accompanied with their emotes and jokes, between which lies the Konami code. What I notice is a more fluid animation on characters and detailed features in their appearance.
The new class
The monk is a hybrid class (tank: brewmaster, healer: Mistweaver or DPS: Windwalker) but no illusions with DPS, everyone asked tanking or healing in groups.
They can use only cloth and leather and come obviously movements of Kung-Fu. Energy use and can spend points Chi form in which death knights and warlocks use runes and soul stones.
His attacks are melee. Personally I've always preferred ranged attacks so it does not attract me much class, but has interesting skills as the "death knell" that instantly kills any enemy with less health than the player.
Shen-zin His
The starting zone for pandaren is a giant turtle named Shen-zin Su and Chinese aesthetics is all we could hope for, with chord music and truly beautiful scenarios, although according to the graphics engine that can provide that is eight years old .
The missions still feel grindy, but there are some interesting developments as they interact with NPCs a more active player after completing certain quests or mobs that are uploaded to the back (I do not remember much except that happen in any dungeon).
Something that gave me quite laugh was a particular mission over an area called the nasal singsong, where they must defeat other apprentices while fighting on logs buried in a lake. If you should fall into the water, the player will become an animal-referencing Ranma 1 1/2. You know that Blizzard has a habit of integrating so many pop culture jokes as possible.
Shen-zin His apparently is dying and we must find out why talking to the turtle, which will take the player to meet with members of the Alliance and the Horde and thus choose a faction.
Higher levels
The change for higher level characters is remarkable when taking the mission sent by Garrosh / Varian war as it breathes in the game, the hostilities between the Alliance and the Horde have exploited and this gives a different meaning to the missions, which actively encourage the player to attack the other side.
There are now more dialogue between players and NPC giving more understanding of why these attacks definitely a good thing if at that time we do not feel like reading.
There are also more frequent cut-scenes to help understand the history and varied mission objectives that give the impression of doing something really different, but as I said, with the same mechanics. By the way, continue to see our world change after performing certain actions through the use of phasing.
Other changes
The character creation screen has been streamlined to make the process less tedious. The missions are faster respawn time for items and mobs has been shortened and not need to go with a trainer for new talent, they are automatically acquired as you level up and now professional instructors are universal. All this decreases enough playtime for those who are bored to grind and farm the game.
Content for all
WoW has many detractors who wonder how a game "old" and in addition to pay can have 10 million subscribers. The answer is that there is no one way to play, the truth is that in this expansion, more than any other, seems to have content for everyone, not only for the hardcore who enjoy raids and heroic and crawl through Stormwind and Orgrimmar with his armor epic dragon mount that was a rare chocolate-drop after completing this dungeon three thousand times in less than 10 minutes.
Players can enjoy the game in many ways, through missions, scenarios, professions, achievements, PvP, PvP pet, exploration, reputations, collecting mounts, the auction house and the rich social environment that has always enjoyed WoW ( do not waste time, to block the jerks).
And I repeat, basic mechanics remain the same and those who have never enjoyed, may not do so now, but for those who enjoy this style of game, Mists of Pandaria brings new content to ensure enough hours added to his / played.
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