Facebook Games: Castleville reaches 5 million users in 5 days
CastleVille seems to be becoming the most popular game Zynga has created to date. So, the new game from the creators of Farmville, FrontierVille, and other "-villes" just reached 5 million daily active users in less than a week, beating previous records set by the company (FrontierVille, another highly popular, reached 2.6 million, while Cityville , 3.2 million).
Other statistics shared.
Completed quests 135,176,025
4,594,750 expancion the "Gloom"
Removed from the realm enemies 23,845,983
Bubbly 182.1360 created Grogs
8,262,768 cows raised.
CastleVille seems to be becoming the most popular game Zynga has created to date. So, the new game from the creators of Farmville, FrontierVille, and other "-villes" just reached 5 million daily active users in less than a week, beating previous records set by the company (FrontierVille, another highly popular, reached 2.6 million, while Cityville , 3.2 million).
Other statistics shared.
Completed quests 135,176,025
4,594,750 expancion the "Gloom"
Removed from the realm enemies 23,845,983
Bubbly 182.1360 created Grogs
8,262,768 cows raised.

What is CastleVille
Like other games in the franchise, is a "game" casual, where we must use our energy (which is recharged over time or, of course, we can buy for real money) to go to improve our property. This time, it is not farms or cities, but of a medieval village where, in fact, it implements the same formula as always.
Clear that Zynga has been refined over time, such a formula. One of the reasons for the success of the game, is the instant gratification. Every action we make, from cutting down a tree, build a tower, visual feedback will fill us with coins, stars and other things, ensuring that we are having some progress. This, coupled with social competitiveness have all the games on Facebook (with a ranking at the bottom, always visible, determining which of our friends are "better) and the constant quests or missions that give short-term goals, make of these games, the perfect formula to keep playing. Although, in reality, are not any fun, and be more like a job, something entertaining.
Of course, now we have to eliminate enemies and quests more interesting, but as always, to have some kind of progress, we must pay. Or spend hours, hours, hours, doing the same . If you want to take a look, here I leave the Link