Angry Birds comes to PCs in box.
The world's most popular game comes to PC format "retail". Rovio Entertainment signed an agreement with Focus Multimedia to be the exclusive distributor of the series Angry Birds . The deal covers the 3 versions of the franchise for the UK, Ireland, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
The launch will begin on November 25 with the original Angry Birds at a price of almost $ 16, which represents almost three times that of the digital distribution version and a 1600% increase compared to the version of IOS for $ 0.99. This is not to mention that there are free versions for Android, Chrome, Facebook and Google +.
Near the Christmas version will be released related to the movie "Rio" at 20th Century Fox and in 2012 published Angry Birds Seasons. The first game of the series was downloaded by more than 500 million people worldwide, making popularity is so great that it created a whole series of products such as plush toys and T-shirts with the different characters of the game.

As stated Heijari Ville, a spokesman for Rovio, the site MCV
"The box format is another way to reach a wider audience, digital and mobile but still the focus of our business, but the box is a nice addition to take the brand forward."
Angry Birds While not a particularly brilliant game for gamers who seek deeper experiences, accessibility and simplicity made it a worldwide success for casual gamers since its launch in 2009. Rovio is a little time to launch a store in Finland where they sell all products related to Angry Birds and is in talks to enter the huge and lucrative Chinese market. The future of the brand includes more toys, comics and even animated series, so I doubt that the phenomenon will disappear for a while.