According to what has been discovered by a user of the forums of Bethesda 's first DLC Skyrim will focus on snow elves and crossbows and more. The user nicknamed Karellan found several files in the folders added in the last patch with several key terms such as "snow elves" (snow elves), "Snow Elf Prince" (Prince snow elf) and several animations crossbows. Other possibilities that are revealed by analyzing the files is that the DLC add new animations of vampires feeding.
Those who do not know what a snow elf, please contact the Wiki Skyrim , which states that these elves were once a proud race and formed a prosperous society but were driven off their land by the Nords, human high-rise and high resistance to cold. Meanwhile the Elf Prince was a character who led the fight to race against the Nords just mentioned, but were massacred in battle.

While Skyrim contains several types of arcs, so far does not include any kind of crossbow, a weapon that can be extremely useful for eliminating enemies at great distances from silently, which can be key in certain complex missions. It is likely to include some new stealth missions to use these weapons in concrete.
On April 26 Bethesda reported that the first DLC Skyrim could be officially announced next week and will be exclusive to Xbox 360 during the first 30 days.