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LEGO The Lord of the Rings with up to 85 playable characters
LEGO The Lord of the Rings with up to 85 playable characters
Traveller's Tales is preparing LEGO The Lord of the Rings, the new title in the franchise which this time is ambientará in the fantasy universe created by JRR Tolkien. To our knowledge thanks to The Verge, the game will feature 85 playable characters , new faces appearing unseen.
By the time we could see Frodo, Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, Boromir, Sam, Merry and Pippin in action. However, it seems that the guys at Traveller's Tales want to continue to expand the universe, so characters will include Peter Jackson's films failed to include.
This new film adaptation of the LEGO universe coming to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, Nintendo DS, 3DS, Wii and PS Vita later this year. LEGO The Lord of the Rings collect the history of the trilogy of films, without any division as happened with Harry Potter.Se expected that this new title count for much with one of the most ambitious stories Traveller's Tales in recent years. All with large doses of humor as he usually study.
With GamesCom 2012 we have discovered a new trailer of the game that you see below:
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