VIDEO Angry Birds Seasons is updated and receives a new bird

LEGO The Lord of the Rings with up to 85 playable characters
LEGO The Lord of the Rings with up to 85 playable characters
Traveller's Tales is preparing LEGO The Lord of the Rings, the new title in the franchise which this time is ambientará in the fantasy universe created by JRR Tolkien. To our knowledge thanks to The Verge, the game will feature 85 playable characters , new faces appearing unseen.
By the time we could see Frodo, Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, Boromir, Sam, Merry and Pippin in action. However, it seems that the guys at Traveller's Tales want to continue to expand the universe, so characters will include Peter Jackson's films failed to include.
This new film adaptation of the LEGO universe coming to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, Nintendo DS, 3DS, Wii and PS Vita later this year. LEGO The Lord of the Rings collect the history of the trilogy of films, without any division as happened with Harry Potter.Se expected that this new title count for much with one of the most ambitious stories Traveller's Tales in recent years. All with large doses of humor as he usually study.
With GamesCom 2012 we have discovered a new trailer of the game that you see below:
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Premiere of the film trailer for World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Ask why we fight, is to ask why the leaves fall. It's their nature. Maybe there is a better question.
To ask why we fight, is to ask why leafs fall. It is In Their nature. Perhaps there is a better question.

How to know if your computer can run a certain game?
Many times when a new game comes out we have the urge to buy it immediately, unfortunately we take back because of the requirements and calling modern computers often do not have.
If you are among the people who are not playing because they think that your computer will not run the game, they can now use Can You Run it? A page scanea entire computer and reports whether or not a game can run on it.

To use it you must select from a long list of games that interests us, hence download and install small programs in Java, so you can access our computer and see if the game can run or not.

It's simple to use and has plenty of games to choose from.
So you know, next time before buying a game, visit Can You Run it?.
Visit: Can You Run it?
Neo Geo X, the portable game console of SNK

The console comes with 20 pre-loaded games, including games that are coming:
Metal Slug
NAM 1975
Fatal Fury
The King of Fighters 95
Real biut - Fatal Fury Special
Samurai Shodown II
King of the Monsters
Super Sidekicks
Last Resort
Art of Fighting II
World Heroes Perfect

Interesting console, although priced a little high, but for those who want to remember the old times of the console an excellent opportunity.

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A GameBoy emulator, running entirely in HTML5, addictive
Now, this is really impressive. Thanks to the power of HTML5 and modern browsers, we can not only complete games (like some we saw in the past), but now we have a full GameBoy Color emulator directly in the browser without requiring additional plugins (above browsers needed plugins like Java or Flash).
How it works? Javascript is used to emulate all GameBoy processor (a Z80), and with this, get enough speed to run Gameboy ROMs, including sound, directly from the browser window.

It also includes a lot of games to try. And if you have performance problems, do not forget you need a modern browser such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari or Opera. Or speed problems with sound? Read these instructions

Gameboy Emulator in HTML5
Facebook Games: The Walking Dead, tips and cheats
There is already an excellent set of The Walking Dead created by TellTale Games (super recommended), but of course, a game "social" on Facebook was inevitable. And so, we play "The Walking Dead Social Game", developed by EyesWideGames that, like any typical game of Facebook, requires energy to move in all directions and actions.
The game starts shortly before the story told in Season 1, with a character we created when the cars were stuck in Atlanta. Here, we have to help Shane, eliminating the "Walkers". Every time we kill one, we gain experience, as you guessed, earn even more points. We always have to keep our "Stamina" full - allowing us to walk and hit - otherwise, we could die at the hands of the Zombies.

Initially, the game had a terrible power management, with it leaning too slow and practically requiring us to spend money to advance. Fortunately, developers have been changing some things, making the energy recharge faster and giving more playing time before that, like all Facebook game, we run out of energy and have to wait to retrieve it. And like all social game on Facebook, we will be annoyed to share our "achievements" or invite others to play.

The game is not bad - especially if you enjoy this type of "social" games on Facebook - but the model is already slowly getting tired. If they were seeking to live a little Walking Dead with a game, however, proving the sugieron them released by TellTale, which is much higher.
There is a secret world in the game Super Mario Bros (NES), called minus world -1

Here's a video:
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Xbox 720 would be released at Christmas, 2013

GameKlip for adapting your Dualshock 3 to your Smartphone

USB controller to play Angry Birds - Video, Shut up and take my money!!
USB controller to play Angry Birds - Video
If you are a fan of Angry Birds this news will surprise you, since it has created a new way to play throwing the birds.
If you complained before the mouse or you found it difficult to play Angry Birds, now have no excuse as a simulator shaped elastic sling will be able to better enjoy the game.
The hardware was programmed in Max / MSP to Arduino, a microcontroller and included 'Music and Motors' to work the way it appears in the video.
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Final Fantasy XIV has a new trailer VIDEO
Final Fantasy XIV has a new trailer
New coming from the most recognized RPG series from Square-Enix: Final Fantasy XIV: A Reborn Realm is the project protagonist of the Japanese company and shows his greatness with a new trailer of the game (although only two weeks have passed since the video above )
Become the most characteristic elements of this saga, the crystals of power are the only hope for saving the world from total destruction Eoerza, though that has happened. Because as you might have guessed in the cinematics of its new format, the start of the title he describes the destruction of the kingdom under the flames of a huge power. As a last resort for salvation, the kingdom's most skilled heroes were transported to another time, hoping to find a way to avoid his terrible fate.
Hopefully this game review gets boost the reputation of this title, which suffered badly in the months after its PC release due to problems of development that gave the game an unfinished look. Fortunately, it seems that Square-Enix has acknowledged his mistakes with this renovation is complete and only see the results of their efforts during the upcoming video game gamescom fairs and TGS.
For now, let harboring hopes for the future and hope that Square-Enix has managed to hit the mark with new development and get FF XIV: A Reborn Realm is a highly successful MMORPG PC and PS3.
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Play to beat Justin Bieber and get the best score,Bieber Ragdoll
LittleBigPlanet Karting will arrive on November 6
LittleBigPlanet Karting will arrive on November 6

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Amazon launches videogame development,scared Microsoft,Sony and Nintendo
Amazon launches videogame development,scared Microsoft,Sony and Nintendo
The popular online store today announced the department will focus on developing different social games. Amazon Game Studios will be responsible for the gaming division of the Internet giant and his letter is titled Living Classics. The game is available today on Facebook .
Living Classics presents a peculiar family of foxes that will enter into different worlds tales inspired by the illustrations of each of the books. Nothing is missing from 'Alice in Wonderland' to 'King Arthur' through 'The Wizard of Oz'. In order to enhance the social character of the title, players can interact with the different families of his friends in the social network and help them in their journey.
We know many of Amazon's customers enjoy playing games - including free social games - and thanks to the expertise of Amazon, we believe we can provide good and accessible gaming experience that players and guests can play at any time.
This "game of moving objects," as described by the company, has its own Facebook page and is presented with the following trailer. It can see the colorful scenarios through which the player must find the story moving images in question:
Digital commerce, e-books, tablets, applications, services, music and now video games. It seems that Amazon is willing to stand up to big companies with their own range of products. At the moment it looks like things are going pretty well. We'll see if this new adventure ends bearing fruit.
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GaymerCon: The Gay Games Convention
GaymerCon: The Gay Games Convention
Video games do not differentiate beyond the limitations of gender display their menus profiling and aesthetics of the models of his characters to choose who you play and what kind of personal characteristics are. Those are separate and discriminate against people because of video games, gamers are all equal in power beyond their differences. It is therefore a project in Kickstarter you kicked off the first Gaymercon, the gaming convention for gay or LGBT to be held within a year in the U.S..
The diversity in video games is the amount of genres that exist and the different profiles of players sitting in front of screens and live all kinds of adventures. In turn, the diversity in video games is also experienced when entering an international server and play with people of different nationalities, languages, cultures and religions, creating a gaming experience quite rewarding from all major points. But there is also gender diversity is remarkable, and which lately is starting to make it clear to the developers, distributors and all those involved in the industry that makes us get calluses on your fingers and it's not porn. Gaymercon 2013 is the collective personal proposal and now seeks to make more explicit the commitment to LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender), video games and geek culture all to celebrate the first gay video game convention.
Itself began as an idea of who has looked at the other and want to include in a society that still treats homosexuality as a taboo and an "other problem", and after making a campaign very geek and presentations Many celebrities and gaming dubbing, Matt Conn could open invitations to the convention will be the first gay video game. To be more specific, the call is for all LGBT geek culture and the idea is to get together to meet, play and share ideas about the state of its position on how the gaming world to the LGBT community is talking about integration cases or exclusion, discrimination, promoting the destruction of stereotypes and winning points against the dogged stubbornness of those who believe that video games "are for males." As the inclusion is a goal, the Gaymercon is open to any type of sexual orientation, ethnicity and nationality that is over 18 years.
The call has a funny taste and a considerable social importance, and to demonstrate it has achieved the participation of important voices in video games benders, such as Ellen McLain (GLaDOS in Portal ) and John Lowry, the amusing speaker behind the Sniper Team Fortress 2 . In addition, SMBC Theater people participated in a fun video presentation along with the driver of the initiative gathered in a few days and the total requested $ 25,000 and up to the time of writing this article had raised $ 32,303. The Gaymercon is 3 and August 4, 2013 in San Francisco, USA and has not been given information about which games will be presented and what kind of events will take place, but with the arrival to the media that is making assume that the offers to advertise products and games will soon come and soon we will know more.
Any proposal of this nature, resistance in the network (mainly from nothing brave anonymous) has been felt strongly in the form of hatred by the usual as well as questionable arguments, including people claiming to be gay . The main criticisms are reasonable to create a gender distinction that exists in video games, but the organizer Gaymercon said that the idea of the convention is not divided into genres, but demystify the membership of this activity just as beautiful a group of people with certain sexual orientations.
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Prototype of The Legend of Zelda for NES for sale on eBay
Today has come to our attention another of those great treasures of collectors in video games, a prototype of The Legend of Zelda for NES has come to auction on eBay and you can get with him for a staggering $ 150,000, which come to be at change about € 12,250. An incredible value for a single cartridge of 25 years old.
For those who read this news stunned, unaware of the astronomical prices that are capable of moving the great treasures of collectors in video games, totally discontinued cartridges strangers who awaken the desire of all participants in this luxurious hobby.

This time, we may be talking about the piece more existing value, because the previous games are unique titles for competitions and is known the existence of several, this cartridge is the only one known to date. We're talking about a prototype version of the American version of The Legend of Zelda a perennial flag Nintendo would be destined to become a benchmark in the world of video games.

The prototype has the peculiarity to stay in a perfect condition and be dated with the date 23/2/87, about six months before the start of the title to the market and has little quirks that vary with respect to the final game: variations in the color palette of some enemies, gameplay more accessible than the original thanks to fewer enemies and alteration of some areas of the map. Details that can be recognized thanks to the brilliant work done by a group of fans.
For this product so unique, the seller puts tjcurtin1 cartridge sale on Ebay for a price of $ 150,000, surpassing all sales records and becoming the greatest treasure of collectors to date.