PlayStation 3 hacked again, details

PlayStation 3 hacked again

After the release of firmware 3.60, it seemed that Sony had controlled the problem that had come up after the group discovered Fail0verflow security keys of software, ie the keys that allow you to run the games. Unfortunately for Sony, PlayStation 3 has been hacked again.

All consoles that had a higher firmware to 3.60 and could not run custom firmware, so those who wanted to make changes needed to maintain version 3.55 or lower firmware code to run. But now the company faces the protocol filtering "passphrase", which means you could access the PlayStation Network from a modified PlayStation 3.

The master key has been released by a group of hackers calling themselves "The Three Tuskateers". Apparently, this group would have gotten in a while to discover it, but had decided not to make it known to the public. But somehow the information was leaked yesterday and a Chinese group of hackers launched a tool called BlueDiskCFW why wanted to charge. To prevent do business with their findings, the group decided to release the key LV0 and only 24 and there is a free CFW swarming Internet worlds.

    You can be sure that, but for this leak the key had never seen the light of day. Only the fear that our work is used by others to make money forced us to publish on this day.

Either way, the company has a big problem and although it is logical to think that Sony will change the "Passphrase" in a future firmware update, it seems that this would be only a temporary solution. According to experts, the key to knowing LV0 is relatively easy to decrypt future company updates.

Let's see how Sony reacts to this new event.

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