Legends of Rayman trailer shows us how will be the Nintendo Wii U

Legends of Rayman trailer shows us how will be the Nintendo Wii U

Today came the trailer for Raymand Legends, a game for the new console Nintendo , the Wii U . This game looks good does not come just because it has attracted attention is that shown in part, as will the gameplay in the new Nintendo console.

For U Wii will come with a remote that has a touch screen, the screen that we all thought he would serve only to see the game you will also apparently be able to interact with other objects, such as putting a heart on the tablet will begin falling hearts in the game. They will also be other characters and the end leaves a surprise.
The video that looks great by the improvement in graphics, hopefully not another Wii at the time seemed very new but after a while it looked a lot not served and although it improved over time, but I apparently it was too late.

Do not miss the video.

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