Tip: How to Block Games requests on Facebook

Tip: How to Block Games requests on Facebook

Fed up with receiving requests for games that have completely abandoned in Facebook ? Or just prefer to play them only when they want, without receiving notifications every half hour?

Today, we have a simple tip to block Facebook applications. It not only works with games, but any application you are using.


The first thing to do is open Facebook, and go to "Games Applications"2011 11 14 15 04 19

Once inside, you will see all requests. What we have to do is locate the application whose notification we want to block, and just click on the "X". No matter which of all notices to be.
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Once down the X, we give you the option to block the application, so proceed with the action:
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And presto!

So we will not receive notification or application information, plus the authorization to remove it relates to our Facebook account. This means that if you want to use a new application will have to unlock it manually:
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